What Coinlist Is and Why You Need Proxy to Work With It

coinlist logoNeoteric investors choose Coinlist platform as they buy crypto there and sell it when it's x50 times more expensive. In this article, we’ll tell you what Coinlist is, why it’s worth choosing and how to earn there much more by using a proxy. So let’s dive in!

What Coinlist Is

Coinlist is a platform where people buy cryptocurrency on its “germ”. In other words, the token sale occurs — the sale of prospective crypto before listing. Coinlist is the first kind of platform.


The crypto platform offers Coinlist Seed to its customers that are the list of tokens that can rise in price. The company has shown two such lists. Investors have to choose crypto from this list that is the most prospective in this year in their opinion. For example, as Coinlist Seed claims, PARSIQ can rise in price by 11,900%.

Why You Need Proxy There

Users create multiple profiles to earn much more on crypto. How it works:

  • people create multi account;
  • they buy tokens from several profiles while they’re cheap;
  • when tokens rise in price, they sell tokens from their accounts.

But Coinlist has a limit for the number of accounts. Therefore, proxies are used according to the rule 1 profile = 1 proxy during registration to avoid bans from antifraud-system. It’s better to use residential IPs as they’re more trusted than datacenter ones. By the way, we’ve already written about residential proxies on our blog.

You can buy proxies for Coinlist on our website. Our service is good for you because of the following reasons:

  • low ping and high speed of IPs. You won’t notice that proxy is working;
  • always-on support. We answer in 30 seconds. If you struggle with something, write to us and we’ll help you solve your problem;
  • refund in 24 hours if IP doesn’t suit your goals;
  • proxies are protected with login and password so only you can use them
  • we have a plugin for a browser. By using ProxyControl, you can turn on and off your IP in one click.

Create profiles on Coinlist and earn money on crypto selling. Use residential IPs to avoid bans. Read Coinlist Seed to buy the prospective token on time and get a good deal on crypto thereafter.