How to set up a proxy in programs


How to create a profile and configure a proxy in OctoBrowser?


Anti-detect browsers are programs that hide user data. With the help of antidetect you can create accounts on one site. At the same time, the administration will not be able to link them together and therefore limit them.

Antidetects work best together with a proxy. Antidetect generates a unique user agent: information about the OS, browser, language, screen resolution, etc. 

A proxy changes the user's real IP to another. This combination gives complete anonymity and uniqueness. Each antidetect tab is like a separate user. At the same time, you can make as many of them as you like and manage them in one program window.


MoreLogin - practical anti-detect browser for multi-accounting

morelogin logoMoreLogin is a privacy-focused browser that lets users create multiple profiles with unique fingerprints to mask online activity and avoid detection. MoreLogin helps over 5 million users stay under the radar since launching.

MoreLogin works excellently with all popular platforms.

Pinterest — Google — Youtube — Amazon — eBay — Etsy — Coinlist — Huobi — Binance — Bitget... etc.

Experience these benefits with MoreLogin

Manage Hundreds of Profiles from One Device

Each profile has a unique browser fingerprint and a separate web environment. Caching, cookies, and settings are completely isolated, preventing association with other accounts


MuLogin review: antidetect browser for arbitrage

mulogin логотипAntidetect browsers are a popular tool among affiliates and bonus hunters. They allow you to create and simultaneously manage multiple accounts on the same platform. It is impossible to do this with a regular browser, since the user will instantly receive a block for multi-accounting.

Let's see how anti-detect browsers provide the user with anonymous browsing on the Internet and protect against sanctions from sites. And let's do it on the example of Mulogin.


Setting up a proxy in Google Chrome on macOS

google chrome mac os логотипSetting up a proxy in Google Chrome helps you optimize your browsing experience and access sites that are inaccessible to your network address. A proxy is able to replace the user's real IP with one that's in a different city or even country. Therefore, sites will perceive you as a user for whom there are no restrictions. For example, users from Russia will be able to use Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, ChatGPT and other online venues that are useful for work and everyday life. In this article, let's break down a few ways to set up a proxy in Google Chrome on macOS.


Setting up a proxy server in Windows 11

логотип windows 11You've probably already heard about such a thing as a proxy server and know why you need it: get access to Twitter and Facebook at work, hide your IP for tracking, get access to closed game servers. Or maybe you want to buy a Netflix subscription at the cheapest price? Great! Now it remains to configure the proxy on the PC.

Configuring a proxy server in Windows 11 via the standard "Settings"

In order to configure the proxy, you need to do the following:


How to set up proxy on iOS: step-by-step instructions

It's hard to imagine a person's life without mobile devices. For most people, mobile phones and tablets have become a miniature computer replacement. They are used to access the Internet, work with applications and mobile services, to communicate in social networks and messengers, games, etc. And IOS-based mobile devices are very popular with users.

Unfortunately, access to some sites, services and applications that are popular among iOS owners is difficult due to regional restrictions. For example, problems arise with bookmakers or Telegram.

Such restrictions become the main reason why proxies for iOS are used. There are others for which proxy servers are useful. For example, to launch applications and services through a proxy, maintain anonymity, register multiaccounts, etc. Therefore, proxies are useful both on computers and on Iphone, iPad.


How to set up a proxy server on Android

Proxy server is configured in all operating systems of computers and mobile phones, and in several ways. On Android, proxies can be set up through the default settings or with the help of applications. In this article, we will tell you how to set up a proxy on Android using special applications.

Setting up proxies with apps

We will show the proxy configuration using two programs: ProxyDroid and Drony. In them you will connect both “Socks” and HTTPS proxy.


Setting up a proxy in Firefox

If you need greater anonymity when visiting websites than the one offered by the private mode in the browser, we suggest you to learn how you can easily set up a proxy for Firefox.

Besides, setting up a proxy server may be necessary for those who are in another region and cannot view the material intended for a certain category of users.

What is a proxy server?

A proxy server is an intermediary between the client’s computer and the Internet world network. It may be needed not only to bypass some security system or to get to websites intended for other regions. It may also be needed in order to significantly increase the network speed, if a proxy server is located on your LAN.


How to set up a proxy in the MaskFog anti-detect browser

maskfog logoMaskfog is a modern anti-detect browser that gives all the tools for anonymous surfing and multi-accounting. The service is notable because it equips users with their own clean proxies and also gives full access to the functionality on the free version. The browser also has a fingerprint swap feature (User agent, Cookie, Timezone, Flash and more).

What you can use Maskfog for

The browser allows you to work with several accounts on different tabs at once. In this case, all tabs will have unique fingerprints and IP, so as not to attract the attention of antifraud systems. This opens up great opportunities for personal and business use