VPS Netherlands and VPS in Europe: Is server location important? Or is hardware more important?


On a VPS with poor hardware and connectivity, the site will slow down and at times respond that the site can not be accessed.

Therefore, VPS should be chosen correctly. Then the site or application will work fast and stable. And this is the main goal.

Okay, how to achieve this? Let's figure it out.



How does the choice of VPS affect the project?

For websites

Starting an online store with high traffic? You need a VPS with medium specifications. For example, a VPS with 2 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM will ensure fast page loads and smooth operation even at peak times.

For applications

Do you have a video streaming application? Choose a powerful VPS to avoid lags. A VPS with 4 vCPUs and 8GB of RAM will ensure smooth video playback and fast request processing.

For data processing

Analyzing large amounts of data? You need a VPS with good performance. A VPS with a large amount of RAM and a powerful processor will speed up data processing and increase efficiency.


How to choose a VPS?

LikeVPS is a provider of VPS services. You will find servers with top-notch hardware, providing high performance and reliability. Whether you need a VPS for a small project or a serious business with high load, LikeVPS offers solutions that will help you cope with any task.

To rent, define what you need:

For small projects

If you have a simple website or blog, a cheap VPS will do. For example:

Lite [NL] for $6.5 per month: 1 vCore, 1 GB RAM, 25 GB NVME.

likevps lite

For sites with moderate traffic

If your site gets more visitors, choose a VPS with 2 vCPUs and 4 GB RAM:

Lite+ [NL] for $7.2 per month: 2 vCore, 2 GB RAM, 40 GB NVME.

likevps lite+

For large projects

If you have a large online store or a complex application, choose a VPS with 4 vCPUs and 8 GB RAM:

Pro [NL] for $16.9 per month: 4 vCore, 6 GB RAM, 70 GB NVME.

likevps pro

For more ambitious tasks

If you need a server for large applications, choose a premium VPS with 8 vCPUs and 16 GB RAM:

Pro++ [NL] for $31 per month: 6 vCore, 10 GB RAM, 100 GB NVME.

likevps pro++

What are the benefits of choosing the right server location?

If your users are located in Europe, choosing a VPS in the Netherlands can reduce response time (latency) because data will travel a shorter distance. This is important for sites and applications where download speed is critical.

Compliance with regulations

If a project requires compliance with GDPR or other European data protection laws, hosting servers in the Netherlands can help with compliance.

Redundancy and fault tolerance

If managing an international network, using servers in different geographic regions (e.g. Netherlands, USA, Asia) can provide better redundancy and fault tolerance.

Characteristics of hardware

If the VPS has powerful hardware - for example, modern processors, lots of RAM and fast SSDs - this affects the speed of data processing, application launching and overall performance. Even if the server is far away, good hardware can compensate for this through high speed of request processing.


High-quality hardware ensures stable operation and scalability as the load grows. For example, a VPS with 8 vCPUs and 16 GB RAM is better able to handle high-load applications than a server with limited resources.

For localized European projects where low latency and regulatory compliance are important, location may be more critical. For projects with a global audience, where overall performance and scalability are important, hardware characteristics may be more important.

It is ideal to find the best balance between location and features. If you have the option, choose a VPS with good hardware that is closer to your target audience to ensure optimal performance.

The best choice depends on the specifics of your project and the requirements of your audience.

How to set up a VPS?


If the VPS is on Ubuntu, connect via terminal using the command ssh user@your-vps-ip. For Windows, use remote desktop.

Software Installation

For the site, install a server. For example, Apache or Nginx. To work with data, install a database such as MySQL.


Configure the server to improve performance. For a website, enable caching to speed up page loading and optimize system settings for better performance:

If your VPS is used for a website, configure the server (such as Apache or Nginx) for caching. Enable a caching module such as mod_cache in Apache, or configure proxy-level caching in Nginx to speed up page loads and reduce server load.

vps server

Database Configuration

If your VPS is running a MySQL database, optimize the database configuration. Increase the values of query_cache_size and innodb_buffer_pool_size parameters in my.cnf file to improve query processing speed and reduce response time.

Resource management

Use monitoring tools such as htop or top to keep track of CPU utilization and memory usage. Configure automatic resource scaling or process limiting with cgroups in Linux to prevent excessive resource consumption.

Optimizing network traffic

Enable data compression features and compression of HTTP traffic at the web server level, such as gzip in Nginx or Apache. This will reduce the amount of data transferred and speed up page loads for users.

Update and security

Example: Regularly update your operating system and installed software to protect against vulnerabilities. Configure automatic security updates and use tools such as fail2ban or iptables to protect against unauthorized access.

Choosing and configuring the right VPS will ensure that your website or application is stable and fast. Understanding which VPS you need and how to configure it will help you avoid problems and achieve great results.