Scrape Data From Website to Excel

excel scrape

Scrape data from website to Excel without wasting your time. Although there’s never one way to do things, the process of scraping data doesn’t have to be overcomplicated. Scraping website data can be widely used to help optimize business strategies.

Learning how to pull data from a website into Excel can be quite simple, but it’s important to know what steps to take. This article will act as the only guide you need to efficiently extract data from website to Excel with ease.

There’s no argument that there are several ways to go about this, but safety should be a primary concern. Data scraping isn’t a new concept, but this action isn’t always a well-received one, which means you’ll want to protect your IP. One of the best ways to do this is with the help of proxies and maybe a lending hand from automation.


Without utilizing proxies, you could face the following potential risks:

  • Your real IP could be blocked
  • CAPTCHA may get in the way of access
  • Security vulnerabilities related to your personal information
  • Inaccurate and slow data collection
  • You could come across limitations in your engagement with certain sites

Not to mention the varying laws and regulations that are involved. The best way to navigate this is to use proxies that protect you and your actions at the same time. Before you start going from one site to the next scraping data, it’s essential to understand the laws and regulations within this space.

proxy for scrape

The Rules on Excel Web Scraping

Looking at the topic from the surface, the action of scraping data is legal, but there are a few caveats involved. From the website’s TOS to regional regulations and copyrighted content, web scraping includes some specific considerations.

One easy suggestion would be to review the website's robots.txt file, as this should show you permissions for the website data. Another aspect of due diligence with web scraping Excel strategies includes avoiding copyrighted content.

The same sentiment goes toward any kind of malicious activity, as web scraping can't and shouldn't be used for ill intent. It isn't as simple as taking any information you want; there has to be some tact involved with regulations and related laws. A few examples of this include CCPA and GDPR regulations in the U.S. and Europe.

Before exploring too far into how to extract data from website to Excel, laws and regulations should always be in mind. Although there are numerous ways to scrape web data, the methods below highlight many effective best practices.

excel web scraping

Methods to Extract Information From Website to Excel

From a fully manual to an automated or incognito approach, you have several options to optimize your data collection. Anyone can agree that scaling data collection requires a bit of help. Copying and pasting information is always an option, but it definitely isn't an efficient one.

The following sections highlight the most common solutions to pull information from website to Excel. This includes guidance on how to avoid access restrictions and protect your personal data along the way.

Option 1: Web Query in Excel

While this is one of the more manual options for data collection in Microsoft Excel, it's still a viable solution. Using Excel's Web Query feature gives you the ability to scrape data directly into a spreadsheet. However, this does come with a few steps, most of which wouldn't be very obvious to newcomers.

  • Open a new spreadsheet and click on "Data" in the toolbar.
  • From here, click on a button that says "From Web."

data from web

  • Paste your desired URL in the new pop-up window.

excel scrape

  • Navigate to the desired content.
  • Select the available structured data and select import.

website scraping

  • Make sure it gets added to the existing worksheet and click ok.

It's all pretty simple, but it's helpful to keep one small detail in mind. Using Web Query is primarily geared toward structured data, such as table-based content, for example. It doesn't do the best with breaking down organically written body content. Using Web Query has its place, but it isn't always the most efficient.

Option 2: Website Scraping Tools

Thankfully, the modern era of technology has made data scraping easier than ever. You can find plenty of automated data scraping solutions online. Then again, if you plan on using a third-party service for this, you want to guarantee it's secure. One of the best ways to do this is to work with proxies alongside such services.

Not only does this mask your real IP and provide an added safety measure, but it might be essential depending on the website. If you're looking to navigate incognito and maximize your data access, using proxies is a go-to solution. Once again, it isn't your only option, but it's an easy integration into any web scraping strategy.

Option 3: Making Use of APIs

If you're prone to be a bit more tech-savvy, taking the API route is always an option. Going from webpage to excel via API comes with some technicalities, but nothing you can't do yourself. It's also helpful to note that APIs are known to be much more reliable than traditional methods of web scraping. This is due to the reduced need for manual intervention once everything is up and running.

You can even automate APIs within Excel with the help of certain scripts, such as VBA for example. Nevertheless, just because the process is different doesn't mean you shouldn't take the same safety precautions. Whether it's a desktop or mobile device, there are several proxy solutions available to keep your browsing and data collection as secure as possible.

vba excel

Excel Scraping With Proxies

Aside from the bump in cyber security, proxies play a multi-faceted role in improving your overall browsing experience. In the realm of data collection, proxies can be extremely helpful from several angles. 

Once you get a better worldview of what proxies actually do, their overall importance will make a lot more sense. The table below offers a summary of this particular topic to help avoid getting too technical. Below, you'll find key areas that proxies can help with, many of which are relevant to extract web data to excel effectively.

Key BenefitSummary
No Geo-RestrictionsMany websites have geo-restrictions in place that keep some IPs from accessing their content. Proxies can bypass this by providing an IP mask that’s within the geo-targeted area.
Full AnonymityUsing a proxy hides your true IP information and all other personal details tied to it. This also makes it harder for advertisers, websites, and other aspects of the web to track your activities.
Better Network PerformanceMany people find that proxies can help provide better network performance. This is primarily due to caching, reducing latency, improved bandwidth usage, and other relevant details.
Enhanced Remote SecurityProxies can be used for a more secure remote connections. Not only is this vital in a corporate setting, but the same goes for operating between different devices.

This list goes far beyond this, but these minor details help highlight the importance of proxies when it comes to web scraping. If you want free range to the data you’re looking for, there’s a high chance you’re going to need the help of proxies. 

It may not be a need for every single data point, but it definitely helps provide a more streamlined experience. Combine proxies with the use of automation and you have a recipe for scalable success in how to scrape data from website into Excel.

Pull Data From Website to Excel With Automation

Considering how easy it is to find reliable automation tools, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be applying this to web scraping. Integrating this approach gives you the power to automate web scraping tasks from extraction, updating data, and more.

It’s important to note that not all web scraping automation tools are compatible with this specific process. Nevertheless, it isn’t uncommon to find, as web scraping to spreadsheets has been around for years. We’re now entering an era where it can be optimized to new heights with the help of modern strategy and technology.

While it may be relatively easy to extract data from a website to Excel, that doesn't mean you won't encounter any challenges. However, with the help of proxies, automation, and efficient strategizing your data collection, the whole process can be seamless.

The Bottom Line

It’s entirely understandable to scrape website data to Excel, but it’s vital you keep the best practices in mind. Always avoid copyrighted content, and make sure your actions fall in line with any relevant laws or regulations.

The same due diligence should be given to the source of your data as well. Quality data starts with reliable source material. For those who are privy to mobile navigation, you won’t have to stress over finding a reliable provider. 

Working with Proxys.IO guarantees you have all of the mobile proxies you need to navigate efficiently. Access any website throughout the world with the help of our quality mobile proxy solutions.


Can Excel scrape data from a website?

It definitely can, and this is primarily performed through Excel’s Web Query functionality. Keep in mind this approach does come with limitations to unstructured website data.

How to convert website data into Excel?

You can use Excel to grab data from websites through Web Query or work with a variety of automation tools to make the process more efficient. Of course, manual copy and paste is always an option as well.

How to get data from URL in Excel?

Although it can seem convoluted, all you need to effectively use the Web Query function in Excel is the URL. From here, you can manually select structured data to be converted into Excel. Then again, automation and APIs exist to help streamline this process a bit more.

How do I copy/paste images and data from a website into an Excel document?

As simple as it sounds, all you have to do is copy the content and then paste it into the desired cell, row, or column in Excel. If you find yourself running into website access restrictions, don't hesitate to use a proxy.