How to set up a proxy on PlayStation 4

рабочие прокси сервера для psnPlayStation 4 is an extremely popular video game console but as you know, it doesn’t work correctly in some areas, therefore it needs a proxy for stable work. Buy anonymous proxy servers you can from us.

First, you need to log in to Your Account, In the field “Authentication by IP” click on “not set” and write your IP-address, then tap on “Apply”. Don’t be embarrassed of russian language in the opened window.


PlayStation 4 proxy


  • Go to settings and choose “Network”.

PlayStation 4 settings proxy

  • Click on “Set Up Internet Connection”.

How to set up a proxy on PlayStation 4

  • “Use Wi-Fi”.

Setting up a PSN proxy

  • Then choose a section “Custom”.

PlayStation proxy

  • Tick on your network.

proxy PlayStation

  • Next click on “Automatic”.

PlayStation proxies

  • Choose “Do Not Specify”.

PlayStation 4 proxies

  • Tick on “Automatic”.

How to set up a proxies on PlayStation 4

  • Do the same thing.

Setting up a PSN proxies

  • After that tick on “Use”.

PlayStation 4 proxies

  • Write IP-address and a port of a proxy.

PlayStation 4 proxies

To shut down a proxy, repeat steps 1-10 and in the section “Proxy Server” choose “Do Not Use”.

If you are interested in a reliable and high-quality proxy which will enable you to use your PlayStation 4, feel free to contact us. We carry about our clients and always help clarify question