What is IPv4 proxy and why is it needed?

What is IPv4 proxyEvery Internet user strives for anonymity, in one form or another. After all, no one wants to be watched by a “big brother”. However, achieving this goal is not as easy as it may seem, since every resource you visit records data about you, and your provider knows what websites you visited.

All this is possible thanks to IP – the unique address of the computer, which is necessary so that the server knows to which client specifically it should send data about pictures or text information. The most common type (and there are several of them) of such address is IPv4 – the address that is used most often on the network, as well as when buying a proxy.


Let’s see what it is, and what types of IPv4 addresses are.

IPv4 address purpose

The IPv4 address, auto-configuration of which occurs when you connect to the network with a new provider, is the fourth type of Internet protocol; it remains the basis for network maintenance and is otherwise called the “External Address”, since a dedicated IPv4 address only approximately allows to understand to which computer the information should be sent. But it is impossible to use it to determine the location in the real world, although many inexperienced users still believe it. In fact, at best, you reduce the search area to a few blocks, that’s all that IPv4 can do in this case.

But this is not only the address of the computer, but the Protocol, which is required to ensure that the two computers located at different ends of the Earth understand in what format and on what principle to exchange data packets.

By the way, don’t think that the number of IPv4 addresses is infinite, this is not possible at the moment. The 32-bit number that makes up this address allows you to create no more than 4.2 billion combinations. But the Internet is not used from every corner of the world, so at the moment this amount is enough for humanity.

Naturally, sooner or later, given the speed of population growth and the development of technology, this number will be insufficient, that is why steps are already being taken to transfer the Internet to new protocols. But most of the resources to this day work exclusively with the fourth version, including various social networks

Features of IPv4 address

Given the previous paragraph, we can say that the network IPv4 addresses differ in the following:

  • Full support. On this protocol, the entire Internet was originally built; respectively, each resource supports it without exception, which cannot be said about other varieties. This type is used for the so-called proxy servers that allow you to mask your activity in the network. But how to change IPv4 address? The basic tariff “Individual IPv4” will be just enough; it will provide dedicated servers for your needs, used only by you and for specific purposes. Moreover, you can choose their location to avoid the principal drawback of a proxy – high ping.

You can get IPv4 right now by clicking “Buy Anonymous IPv4” button

  • Unlike IPv6 proxies, IPv4 is supported by thousands of different services and utilities that allow creating so-called “bridges” from several proxies that further complicate the tracking of your actions. Even security services do not always manage to unravel such a web, not to mention the curious providers. But, naturally, in order not to lose speed, the chain will require high-quality and dedicated servers.
  • Transmission speed. Broadly speaking, this protocol practically does not limit the speed of the user’s connection to the Internet.

Here we described what features this type of Internet protocol has and how to protect yourself with its help. But let’s take a closer look at working with proxy servers and how an ordinary user can use a set of numbers of unknown purpose.

How to work with IPv4 address

First of all, it is worth remembering that they are used in two cases:

  • Directly in the browser. This method is convenient because you don’t need to configure anything separately, and some software is even able to build a separate bridge for each page and create dedicated cookies. But this method has its drawbacks. First of all, not all browsers support proxies, although for software written in Chromium, there is a large number of plug-ins that can fix this problem. Also, if you use several browsers, one of which does not support this functionality, you will not achieve complete anonymity.
  • In a separate program. This is a much more advanced maneuver – you can configure a proxy, for example, through the Proxifier.

Instructions for work with this program can be found by following the link – “Proxifier Guide