What is IPV4 and how does it work?

Anonymity and security are key parameters for users of the modern Internet space. Few people want to be monitored, their every move controlled, and restricted in every possible way. However, control cannot be avoided, as the activity of users is constantly monitored. Fortunately, it is possible to hide from tracking, but this requires additional tools.

Proxy is a tool that can be used to "cheat" the system and visit sites from someone else's IP. Each Web user is assigned a unique code, by which the system tracks the actions of users and determines their location - IP address. There are 2 types of IP: IPv4 and IPv6. Proxy servers also differ by this feature. Let us consider what IPv4 is, tell you what the protocol is, how it works, what are the advantages of proxy servers of this type.


What is IPv4

IPv4 is one version of the Internet Protocol, the standard 32-bit IP. The full name in English is Internet Protocol Version 4. This protocol is designed for the transmission of traffic on the Internet. It represents a value of four decimal numbers separated by dots. What it might look like: The number of IPs of this format is not infinite, it is limited to 4.2 billion combinations.

How IPv4 works

Information transfer via IPv4 protocol takes place using TCP/IP technology. It consists in the fact that all users of the Network are assigned an individual address, which is subsequently displayed at any action. For example, when going to a particular site. A unique code ensures the identification of all devices during data transmission.

IPv4 Proxy Features

A proxy server acts as an intermediate link between the user and the requested web resource. It hides the real IP address - this is its main function. IPv4 addresses have a great advantage: they are supported by all existing sites. The protocol of the fourth version was created when the Internet was only in its infancy. Therefore, you can not be afraid that the proxy server of this protocol will not fit any web resource: all sites, social networks accept it.

Let's take a closer look at the features and benefits:

  • Anonymity. IPv4 private addresses securely mask the user's IP and geolocation, thus ensuring privacy on the Web;
  • High speed. The fourth version of the protocol does not limit the speed of connection to the Internet;
  • Security. Adres IPv4 hides the user's data: neither sites nor hackers can determine the real location, as well as identify the person. Thanks to this, hackers cannot get access to personal data and subsequently steal it. 

However, it is worth considering: the proper level of anonymity, security, and speed can be obtained only by using high-quality proxies. Free proxies from the public domain are not reliable. Often, public proxies are already blacklisted. Besides, they are slow, do not provide anonymity, and also work unstably. That's why it's better to use specialized services. Yes, you will have to pay for proxies, but you will have security, anonymity, and stable uninterrupted work. You can buy reliable, private, anonymous proxies on our website.

Where IPv4 proxies are used

IPv4 addresses are used in many spheres: from online gaming to business. They are popular among entrepreneurs, Internet marketing specialists, arbitrageurs, and crypto-traders. However, not only professionals connect proxies, but also ordinary users. For example, for anonymous web surfing. Let's analyze point by point what tasks proxies help to solve:

  • Multi-accounting. Using proxies, you can create dozens of accounts on one platform, avoiding penalties for multi-accounting. Registering several accounts from the same device will not raise suspicions of the system, as the activity will come from different addresses. With the help of multi-accounting, it will be possible to run automation programs, mass mailings, parsing data, and make money at bookmakers;
  • Protection from DDoS attacks. Proxies monitor malicious requests, filter traffic, protect against hacker attacks;
  • Anonymity, security. IP masking allows users to hide their personal information from cybercriminals and avoid its leakage. In addition, users can visit websites anonymously, hiding real data about their device, geolocation. 

IPv4 proxies, unlike IPv6, are universal, supported by all online platforms and social networks. You can become anonymous, create dozens of accounts, and protect yourself from cyber threats. You can buy reliable, anonymous and fast proxies from us at Proxys.io. We offer 88 countries to choose from, 24/7 tech support and private addresses.