How to set up a proxy in Google Chrome: standard method and with extension

Google Chrome is the most popular browser and it has the highest number of users. It is a very fast browser with easy and clear design. In addition, Chrome became popular due built-in proxy extensions which people use for their own purposes.

What is a proxy?

First, we need to understand what a proxy is. Proxy server is a gateway between you and the website you visit. When you are using a proxy, your traffic flows from you through this gateway to the internet and vice versa – from the internet through a proxy to you.

Proxy changes your real IP-address. So websites can’t understand where you live. If you live in Germany but use a proxy with Polish IP, sources will think that you are in Poland.


How to set up a proxy in Chrome?

Standard method

The first method is standard. What you have to do:

  • Tap on three points at top right and choose “Settings”.

Setting up a proxy in Google Chrome

  • Scroll down the page and find “Advanced”.

Setting up a proxy in Google Chrome standard setting method

  • Scroll down again. In the section “System” choose “Open your computer’s proxy settings”.

Google Chrome Extension and standard setting method

  • You will see the window with proxy settings. Click on “Use a Proxy Server”.

How to set up a proxy in Google Chrome

Then write proxy data: IP-address and a port. Click “Save”.

If you have a login and a pass, don’t worry. If you open a browser, you will see a field where you have to write the login and the pass of your proxy server.

To shut down a proxy, remove your tick from the section “Use a Proxy Server”.

If you want to replace a proxy, repeat all steps writing new IP and a port.

With extension

There is a more comfortable way to set up a proxy in Google Chrome. It is an extension called Proxy SwitchyOmega. In this extension a proxy server works more stable.First, download this one from Google Shop. Then:

  • Tap on the extension’s icon and choose “Options”.

How to set up a proxy in Google Chrome: standard method and with extension

  • Choose “New Profile”.

Setting up a proxy in Google Chrome

  • Write in the field “Profile Name” the title of your profile. Click on “Create”. We created a profile called “”.

Google Chrome Proxy Settings

  • Choose your protocol in the self-titled field, write the IP and the port.

Proxy Settings Google Chrome

  • If your proxy has authorization with a login and a pass, click on the icon of lock and write a login and a pass.

Google Chrome Proxy Settings

  • Choose “Save Changes”.

Google Chrome Proxy setup quickly

  • Click on “Apply Changes’.

Google Chrome Proxy Settings

As you see, to configure a proxy in Google Chrome is very easy. It can be done by two ways: standard method and with extension. Choose the way that you like more. Also you can buy elite proxies from us. We carry about our clients and always help them. Feel free to contact us!