Buy proxy with authorization

Are you looking for where to buy a proxy with a username and password to solve your everyday tasks? PROXYS.IO offers the best prices for proxy servers. We provide the highest quality of our services, and owing to the best equipment, our servers work steadily 24 hours a day.

What tasks do our proxy servers help to solve today?

  • Easy surfing on the Internet (including anonymous). This also includes access to resources that have been blocked by state bodies on the territory of our country.
  • Work with social networks.
  • Use of various services for area specialists (SEO, marketing), where there is a risk to get banned by search engines.
  • Use of specialized software for parsing (KeyCollector and others) in several threads, which significantly speeds up the work.

Do you want to perform any tasks on the Internet fast and timely? Then cooperation with PROXYS.IO will be a profitable investment of your funds.

Buy dedicated proxies

Dedicated proxy is a server that is configured just for you. You get a personal IP address, login and password, and use the service for your needs. Therewith, only you will use this IP, which significantly reduces the load on the channel and allows you to work calmly and not to worry about the availability of the proxy.

Buy private proxies with authorization

All our proxies work on a standard authorization system through a username and password, in addition, it is possible to link a session to your IP address to prevent unauthorized access.

Where to buy private proxies

If you are still in doubt where to buy a proxy, we will try to give you another argument. Unlike our competitors, we constantly provide technical support to our customers. Our experts are always ready to answer any question and help you to set up the software to work with our IP addresses.


Foreign IPv4
Given to 1 person
from 1.47 USDfor 1 month per item
  • Ukraine | Great Britain | United States | Germany | India | Poland | Spain | Belarus | Netherlands | Kazakhstan | France
Individual IPv4
Given to 1 person
from 1.4 USDfor 1 month per item
  • Russia with a choice of server (servers: S1, S2, S3, S4) and of IP address type (data-center, mobile, residential)
Foreign IPv4
Given to 1 person
from 1.47 USDfor 1 month per item
  • Turkey | Romania | Italy | Brazil | Canada | Slovenia | Lithuania | Bangladesh | Argentina | Sweden | Hong Kong | Australia | RSA
Shared IPv4
Used up to 3 persons
from 0.67 USDfor 1 month per item
  • Russia | Netherlands | France | Ukraine
Premium IPv4
Given to 1 person
from 3.6 USDfor 1 month per item
  • Russia (residential) | Poland (residential)
Individual IPv4 with Windows pOSf
Given to 1 person
from 1.87 USDfor 1 month per item
Individual IPv6
Given to 1 person
from 0.13 USDfor 1 month per item
Given to 1 person
from 0.27 USDfor 1 month per item