Everything you need to know about cookies for both the average user and the professional


Cookies are text files that websites store on the user's computer. They store information about visits and actions on the site. These files contain data about the user's settings: statistics of visits, login and password from sites or services. In addition to account logins, cookies remember language, currency, font size, products viewed or added to cart, user's IP address and location, date and time of site visit, OS and browser version.

When you visit the site, the browser communicates with the server via HTTP protocol. Some is saved only for the time of the current visit, while others are stored for a long period of time in the form of cookies. These cookies are stored on your device in the browser folder. When you visit the site again, the browser loads the settings from the cookie, which simplifies and speeds up your interaction with the site.


Still to identify the user, sites use pixels, fingerprinting, and local storage:

  • Browser fingerprinting is a technology that distinguishes between users based on the sum of distinctive features of their browser and device. This includes installed plug-ins, screen resolution, time zone, OS, and other parameters. This data is collected to create a “fingerprint” that can be used to track a user without the use of cookies.
  • Pixels are small graphics for tracking users on pages or in emails.
  • Local storage is a technology that allows websites to store data in the browser. Unlike cookies, data in local storage is stored indefinitely. They have a larger volume and store more parameters.


Cookies and multi-accounting

Now we come to the most important and interesting part. Above we told you that websites identify the user using cookies and other technologies. This means that cookies are as important to multi-accounting as a browser fingerprint.

And which sites are security sensitive and check not only fingerprinting but also cookies?

Major online platforms and services pay attention to checking cookies and browser fingerprints (fingerprints) to protect themselves from fraud. To name a few.

Social networks

Social networks use advanced methods of analyzing cookies and browser fingerprints to authenticate users. The platform tracks behavior, collects data through pixels, and analyzes various browser parameters. This helps to prevent the creation of fake accounts and ensure the safety of users.


Amazon checks cookies and fingerprints to prevent fraud and protect user accounts. The platform monitors the behavior of buyers and sellers to detect suspicious activity.

eBay uses cookies and fingerprints to secure transactions and prevent fraud. The platform analyzes user activity and can ban suspicious accounts.

Alibaba also focuses on checking cookies and fingerprints to protect users and prevent fraud.

Financial services

PayPal uses cookies and fingerprints to ensure payment security and prevent fraud. The platform analyzes user activity and may require additional authentication for suspicious transactions.

Most major online banks use cookies and fingerprints to authenticate users and protect against fraud.

Platforms for rental accommodation and travel

Airbnb checks cookies and fingerprints to keep users safe and prevent fraud when booking accommodation.

Uber uses cookie and fingerprint analytics to authenticate users and drivers and prevent fraud.

Cookie generation for multi-accounting

To create and maintain multiple accounts on the same platform, you need to convince the system that each account is being used by a real, unique user. If cookies show that you have visited sites and performed various actions, your account will look more trustworthy and real.

How do you generate cookies?

There are two ways how to generate cookies.

Manual method

You can collect cookies yourself by visiting different websites and performing various activities on the Internet. This can be browsing the news, social networks, online shopping and other popular resources. The more diverse actions you perform, the more natural your digital footprint will be. Of course, this doesn't work if you're a pro who needs to create dozens of accounts.

Automatically with the help of robots

To simplify and speed up the generation of cookies, you can use special programs. They automate the process of visiting sites and performing actions, which allows you to quickly collect a large number of cookies.

This function is available in almost any antidetect browser. For example, OctoBrowser collects cookies from many sites in headless mode.

Effect of cookies on account credibility

Having a diverse and believable cookie helps convince platforms that your account belongs to a real user. This reduces the likelihood of bans or additional security checks. Large platforms, rely on cookies to analyze user behavior and identify suspicious activity.

We hope this article has helped you understand cookies and provided useful tips.