How HTTP proxies differ from Socks5 proxies

http socksWhen working with proxies, it is very important to choose the right type of proxy for your tasks in order to avoid possible problems and achieve your goals. Most often HTTP proxies and Socks5 proxies are used. The differences between them are in the degree of anonymity, the protocol used, the method of data transfer used in proxy operation, as well as in some additional features. Let's analyze each type of proxy separately.

Features of HTTP proxy


Let's start with HTTP proxies. In their work they use the HTTP protocol, which is designed for visiting websites, downloading and transferring files, and when working with some programs that use this protocol to connect through the proxy. Requests made when working with HTTP proxy servers are not sent directly, but use the proxy server as an intermediary, sending requests on its behalf.

Http прокси

Also in HTTP protocol proxy caching is available, which speeds up page loading by using saved files, as well as control and filtering of network traffic, setting speed limits, blocking unwanted resources, collecting statistics by saving logs, etc.

Proxies of this protocol differ by the degree of anonymity. The following types of HTTP proxies are distinguished by anonymity:

  • Transparent proxies that do not mask the real IP address and do not hide the fact of using a proxy server to access a resource. Such proxies are rarely used, mainly to redirect the user to another proxy server,
  • Anonymous proxies. Passes the information that proxies are used, however, your IP address is masked and substituted with another IP address, providing a reliable level of security.
  • Elite Proxies. Hide the use of proxies and also reliably mask the IP address, making them the most secure among HTTP proxies. The server you try to access will assume that your connection is direct, without the use of a proxy server.

HTTPS proxies that use the SSL protocol are worth mentioning separately. They are a subspecies of the HTTP protocol that uses a secure connection. Network traffic transmitted by these proxies is securely encrypted, which guarantees the highest level of anonymity. As a rule, such proxies are used to secure banking networks, in commercial organizations to create secure corporate networks and in other connections that require security. The other features are the same as those of the HTTP protocol.

Features of Socks5 proxy

Another protocol that is popular among users is Socks5. Proxy servers working with this protocol are initially anonymous because they pass network traffic in its purest form, without revealing HTTP headers. Therefore, the server you are trying to access will not know that you are using a proxy server, nor will it get your IP address.

socks5 прокси

Socks5 proxies support the following network protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP; and their features: caching, SSL connection, authentication. In addition, Socks5 protocol proxies use UDP and TPC connections, which extends the scope of their application and makes them the most functional of modern proxy servers. Initially Socks5 protocol was intended to work with software. For this reason, most programs support this protocol for proxy connections. Socks5 proxy servers also have a nice feature that allows you to build chains of proxy servers, which is useful for solving some tasks when working on the Internet.

If you compare HTTP and Socks5 proxies, it is preferable to use the latter. Since they are more anonymous, support more functions, and work with any sites and programs that support connection via proxy. You can buy fast proxies on our website by placing an order in your personal cabinet.