How to prevent data leakage: a real guide to protecting important information


Data leaks pose a real threat to companies and individuals alike. They can lead to financial losses, loss of reputation and legal consequences.

For example, in 2023, a data breach at Company X cost the company $50 million due to the theft of customer information. This article will help you understand how to prevent leaks and protect personal and financial information.

How does the data leak out?

Weak passwords

Weak passwords are easy to crack. Hackers use programs that search through millions of combinations to crack your password.


data leak out

In 2022, a data breach was revealed from a popular service where over 1 million passwords were compromised due to the use of simple combinations such as “password123”.

To avoid problems, do the following:

  • Create strong passwords. Use combinations of letters (upper and lower case), numbers and special characters. For example, instead of “123456”, choose something like “G7@r!s9L%q”.
  • Password managers. Use tools such as LastPass or 1Password to generate and store passwords.

Outdated programs

The unupdated software contains vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers.

In 2021, a vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange software allowed hackers to access data from more than 30,000 organizations around the world.

What to do about it:

  • Regular software updates. Make sure operating systems, browsers and applications are always up to date.
  • Automatic updates. Enable automatic updates so you don't miss important fixes.

Phishing and social engineering


Attackers send fake emails to get your data.

In 2024, a major bank reported a scam where a phishing campaign resulted in the theft of 5,000 customers' data.

What to do:

  • Do not open suspicious emails or click on unknown links.
  • Enter the URL manually in the address bar to access sites that require you to enter personal information.

How to prevent data leakage?

Encrypt the data

Encryption makes data inaccessible to unauthorized persons without a special key.

For example, data encrypted with BitLocker is inaccessible to intruders even after physical access to the hard disk.

What to do:

  • use programs like VeraCrypt and BitLocker. They provide a high level of protection.

Use two-factor authentication (2FA)

2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second way to verify your identity.

In 2023, 2FA helped prevent a famous blogger's Twitter account from being hacked despite a password leak. So follow his example and set up 2FA for all accounts.

How to monitor and respond to leaks?

strong passwords

Use tools to check for data leakage

Data leak tracking tools help you detect if your data has been compromised. For example, Have I Been Pwned detected a data breach of 2 million users in 2024.

Use services such as Have I Been Pwned and BreachAlarm to receive notifications of potential leaks.

Customize transaction notifications

Set up transaction notifications and receive alerts for any activity that occurs in your banking app. 

Data protection requires attention and vigilance. Use complex passwords, update your software regularly, be cautious and use two-factor authentication. Don't forget encryption and security monitoring to minimize risks and protect your data.