How the popularity of anonymization tools grew in 2021-2022

Как рос спрос на средства анонимизацииAnonymization tools are a popular product among Internet users. There are plenty of reasons to hide your identity: to get rid of browsing history collection, to open a territorially inaccessible site, to bypass IP blocking and many other things. In this article you will learn how the demand for anonymization tools grew in popularity over 2021-2022.

Anonymization tools include any programs or tools that can hide a user's electronic identity (IP).

What events caused the rise in popularity of anonymization tools

In 2021, means of anonymity began to gain in popularity. This is partly due to the events of June. This month, the number of inquiries on the subject of "VPN" almost doubled. In June 2021, Roskomnadzor received unprecedented authority to manage Runet. The agency took possession of information about phone conversations and locations of Russians using the Internet. The toolkit for restricting foreign Internet resources that violate Russian law was also expanded.

Google Trends search query infographics
Google Trends search query infographics
The next major event came in March 2022, when Instagram was recognized as an extremist organization and blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation. Users started looking for loopholes to access the social network - as a result, the number of "VPN" requests increased almost sixfold (9.5 million requests in Yandex). Proxies, anonymizers and other tools also surged in popularity.
Search query infographics from Yandex
Search query infographics from Yandex

How to choose the right anonymization tool

There are a lot of anonymization tools, and all of them are similar at first glance. For example, let's try to compare VPN and proxy. Both tools provide anonymity by acting as an intermediary between the user and the requested resource - as a result, IP and other network information change.

However, there are still differences. A VPN is less versatile because it provides fewer IP addresses. For example, using a VPN, you will find it difficult to work with several accounts in social networks - you need a separate address for each account, otherwise the entire network will be blocked. A VPN gives customers the ability to choose the country of the IP address and no more. In addition, these addresses are often issued in several hands, which can affect the speed of the connection and the level of anonymity. From this we can conclude that the GNP is only suitable for bypassing IP blocking and accessing foreign sites. Proxies are better suited for tasks such as mass posting, mass linking and mass mailing. The user can purchase mobile or dynamic proxies that include a large pool of IP addresses.

Regardless of the tool you choose, we recommend buying paid versions of proxies or VPNs. Otherwise, you run the risk of slow connections, constant bounces and identity theft.

Search query infographics from Yandex
Search query infographics from Yandex
Many people mistakenly believe that the most effective means of anonymity - Tor Browser. This was true at first, but then the browser was found to have many flaws. To ensure anonymity, Tor assigns users other people's IP addresses, which were obtained from other users of the browser. Three problems stem from this at once:
  • If a user commits an illegal action with someone else's IP address, an innocent person may be liable.
  • The person whose IP address you borrowed can monitor your traffic.
  • The Tor Browser is quickly detected by modern antifraud systems.

Perspectives on anonymizing tools

Google Trends search query infographics
Google Trends search query infographics

As statistics show, anonymization tools have always been popular among users. Even before the events of March 2022, users were making at least 300 thousand requests per month under the categories of "VPN", "Proxy", "Tor". Today the Internet is watching literally every step of the user, so it makes sense to think about anonymity. In light of new developments, anonymization tools have become even more popular, so we recommend that you become more familiar with these tools.