Verificador de Proxy Online

O endereço IP é 4 números de 0 a 255, separados por pontos
Porta HTTP(S) ou SOCKS5 que necessita para se ligar ao proxy
Só é necessário se tiver procuração privada
Só é necessário se tiver procuração privada
Suporta qualquer máscara de entrada usando praticamente qualquer delimitador

The Proxy Checker is a free online tool for proxy validation. The algorithm recognises all types of proxies. To run the proxy check, choose one of three methods:

  • Proxy check with data entry - address, port, login and password (if any) are entered in separate windows;
  • Check by mask: the data is entered in one line, separated by a separator. For example: 123.123.123:4200:log:pass. If there is no login and password, enter only IP and port;
  • Verification by order number - valid for our customers. If you purchased your proxy at, simply select the correct server from the dropdown list.

Regardless of the method, proxy verification will occur within 5-10 seconds of launching. As a result, you'll get a notification whether the server is valid or not.

Why check proxies

If you work with free proxies, you will have noticed that most of them are already down. You may have to go through dozens of variants to find a working server. If you do it manually, for example via IP verification sites, the procedure will take more time as the server must be connected beforehand.

If the proxy is faulty, two outcomes are possible: the Internet connection is lost or the user's real IP is exposed. The second outcome is the worst because your anonymity is compromised. For example, you may be running multiple Facebook accounts at the same time, secured through a proxy. If they fail, the social network's antifraud system will instantly detect multi-account activity and block not only the IP but also the accounts.

To prevent this from happening, check proxies through our proxy checker. You won't need to install any extensions or additional software. The only function the checker has is to check the proxy's stability. You will be able to test your connection against several sites to see the exact result.

Be vigilant when using free proxies - they show up on the Internet for a reason. If you come across a server with an unsecured protocol, the traffic will be available to the owner. This means that logins, passwords, and other sensitive data could fall into the wrong hands. Also, keep in mind that publicly available proxies fail on a daily basis. Even if the checker has confirmed validity, the connection may fail after just one hour.